All About Application Youtube Kids


YouTube Kids is an app for children created by Google.

The app provides age-appropriate content to children around the world using filters and a search function.

The app is available on Android and iOS platforms.

It has both free and subscription versions.

In addition, the app has several tools that allow parents to monitor their children's use of the app.

The app has several different modules for kids to interact with.

These include videos, games, educational tools, shopping and social networking features.

The search function allows children to find age-appropriate content online via text or voice inputs.

The filter settings allow children to filter the apps they see on the screen to suit their needs.

Children can also block certain apps from appearing on the home page so their parents can control what their children see.

In addition, settings allow for managing friends, subscriptions and settings for privacy.


This includes blocking certain phone functions such as calling and email access as well as limiting internet access.

Additionally, you can block access to specific websites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

You can also restrict your child's time on the internet by restricting how much time they spend online per day.

In addition, you can restrict your child's time on specific apps such as messaging apps and video games.

There are also settings for limiting screen time after certain hours or days of the week.

YouTube Kids is a great app for children under the age of 13 without adult supervision.

It provides a safe environment for children without adult interference or harsh restrictions on their usage habits.

Therefore, it is a great way to introduce your child to online entertainment for all ages without worrying about harmful content affecting them directly.

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